What is traditional Chinese medicine and how does it work? | Master Sha

Master Zhi Gang Sha
3 min readJan 20, 2021

You may think you know very little about traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), but if you’ve ever meditated, tried Tai Chi, or know what cupping is, you know more than you think. Here’s the theory and practice behind traditional Chinese medicine.

Master Sha

Cupping, acupuncture, meditation, energy flow practices… these are all parts of the ancient art of traditional Chinese medicine. And you’ve probably noticed that their popularity is increasing all the time.

TCM is an ancient system for health and well-being that has been the mainstay of medical treatment in China for thousands of years. One of the biggest contrasts between TCM and Western medicine is that it is often used as a preventative measure as well as a treatment for illnesses or health conditions.

Traditional Chinese medicine aims to balance your Qi energy
The main philosophy behind TCM is a holistic view of balance, harmony, and energy. Traditional Western medicine treats each part of the body as a separate entity, and there is rarely any whole view of the patient’s overall physical and mental health.

TCM, on the other hand, treats the soul, mind, and body and strives to bring a balance between the internal and external. Think qi and yin and yang. These are two guiding principles of traditional Chinese medicine.

Qi is the life energy that connects everything in the universe. It runs throughout the whole of ourselves and between people, objects, and the entirety of our world. It is in constant flux and change. Chinese medicine is about improving the flow of this life force to bring balance, harmony, relief, and peace.

Yin and yang are the terms used to describe the two opposing qualities in the universe. Everything can be divided into yin and yang. They are both independent and united. Yin is female and dark, while yang is male and light. Yin is never absolute yin; yang is never absolute yang.

Simply put, we feel well when these are balanced and ill when they’re not.

The practical application of traditional Chinese medicine
Now that we’ve covered some of the theory behind TCM, here’s how it works in practice. To balance an optimal flow of qi, we must harmonize internal organs and the Five Elements of wood, fire, earth, metal, and water.

These are the kinds of things you can try:

· Meditation

· Cupping (heated glass jars create suction points on the body)

· Acupuncture

· Concentration and movement exercises, such as Tai Chi

· Moxibustion (burning dried herbs near to the body)

· Herbs in the form of capsules, teas, and powders

· Specific forms of massage

I am trained in both Western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine and often meld the two to provide a truly balanced treatment. Experts agree that these treatments and wellness therapies are safe. They work for millions of people and are available for anyone to try. Of course, as with any new treatment, do some research and make sure you choose a healer who has a proven record of helping people.

For example, herbal treatments can affect other medications and conditions, so do check with your doctor before you start taking them. Scientific evidence backs up traditional Chinese medicine, in particular for people suffering from chronic pain, side effects from chemo, skin conditions, and much more.

Could you benefit from traditional Chinese medicine?

Chinese medicine is a complex and skilled area of alternative medicine and can bring balance to your life and health. It is particularly good for people who are suffering from a wide range of symptoms and who haven’t been able to find a single cause. This is important as we continue to battle the pandemic, and it has arguably never been more important to treat the holistic self — the soul, mind, and body.

Exploring TCM practices, including Tai Chi, acupuncture, and meditation aimed at generating the flow of Qi and more, could be the missing piece in your journey towards a healthy mind and body.



Master Zhi Gang Sha

Master Zhi Gang Sha is a Tao Grandmaster, healer and teacher.