Opening our minds to spiritual healing | Master Sha

Master Zhi Gang Sha
3 min readNov 26, 2020
Master Sha

Spiritual healing has been with me since I was very young. I became interested in the idea of healing when I saw family members struggling with illness many years ago. And when I began studying with Masters of Eastern martial arts, I immersed myself in energy flow and spiritual healing too.

Having studied both Chinese medicine and Western medicine, I have a unique insight into holistic physical and spiritual healing. Treating the soul first and allowing energy to flow through both our body and mind allows for true spiritual healing.

What is spiritual healing and how does it work?

Spiritual healing is the transfer of qi (energy) through a healer to a recipient. The energy comes from the Divine and flows through the healer — think of it as energy transfer.

Relaxing the body using meditative techniques until the recipient achieves a state of mindfulness leads to spiritual healing of mind, body and soul. This promotes self-healing within the individual’s physical and mental spheres, so that they are brought gently towards a balanced state.

There is no specific religious link with spiritual healing. In this sense, it is very different to faith healing that requires a belief in a specific entity. Rather, spiritual healing works at a very deep level of our soul. ‘Spiritual’ itself derives from a Latin word that means ‘breath of life’ — and that is what spiritual healing is.

Balancing positive and negativity energy flows for spiritual healing
I combine traditional Chinese medicine with Western medicine, energy healing and spiritual healing. Through me, as through other spiritual healers, the Divine energy flows to other people.

This was taught to me by a number of Master healers through my life. One of my earliest and most important mentors is Dr Zhi Chen Guo, creator of Body Space Medicine. This has been hailed as a major breakthrough for healing the mind, body and soul.

My teachings, demonstrations and methods show people that spiritual healing can be attained by everyone through practice. It can be used to improve all aspects of your life, from your own health to that of your family, pets, business ventures and much more.

There is a scientific foundation for this energy transfer and spiritual healing. According to quantum physics, every person and object in our universe has a vibrational field. This field carries information, matter and energy. In ancient teachings, this has long been known as Shen Qi Jing — the energy flow that links us all. This energy flow can be positive and negative.

By ensuring that the negative energy that is within us and our surroundings is kept as low as possible, we can heal our body, soul and mind. The more negative energy that is in our immediate environs, the more challenges we face. Happily, the opposite is also true. The more positive energy we allow to be with us and in us, the more successful and healthy we are.

Spiritual healing through the Tao Calligraphy Healing Field

My teachings today focus on the Tao Calligraphy Healing Field I created in 2013. Tao is the Source and the Ultimate Creator and so everything comes from Tao and everything returns to Tao.

Through the Master Tao Centres we have created a number of Tao Calligraphy Healing Fields. This unified space of Tao Oneness radiates positivity and through this we can attain mindfulness and unite in positive qi. There are 10 major Tao Calligraphy Healing Field locations around the world at the moment. Each one houses my own Tao Calligraphies and offers pace for others to reach spiritual healing through this meditative practice.

We are creating a balance of scientific understanding of energy flow and allowing the possibility that we can heal our souls, and through this the world.



Master Zhi Gang Sha

Master Zhi Gang Sha is a Tao Grandmaster, healer and teacher.